8 févr. 2024
We survived the crisis of war and developed new markets, open our activities to other regions (central Asia). We're happy to celebrate our 2023 achievements with you!
20 new businesses & lobbies than we help to open in Europe : Ukraine, Armenia, Russia, Israël and Kazakhstan.
51 succeeded files of business immigration.
12 Extradition files (the clients were not extradited, they were able to stay in Belgium! ).
We have received a mountain of INTERPOL and Europol files, for which we check european and international arrest warrants.
New competencies in frozen actives (Euroclear files).
1 new associate, Marike Verlie, who focuses on criminal law.
We continued to deal with international families cases in resolution of conflicts (divorces, child kidnapping, child recognition, paternal and maternal filiation).
All in all, our Pravolex Lawyers firm celebrated 27% of increase of files!
Proud of the whole team!
What do you wish us for 2024?
Be original!
We look forward to reading you. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/pravolexlawyers_ukraine-armenia-russia-activity-7158055192800731136-MT0u?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop